Thursday, July 23, 2009

The pond is looking good!

Well, I usually just post on my projects as they are in progress and rarely post on them after they are finished, but when I went out to the pond at the house yesterday to feed the Koi the water lilies were out after the rain so I went ahead and took a few pictures to share.

Here it is looking back toward the east. The pond is about 17 feet long and 12 feet wide. It's just over 3 feet deep at it's deepest point and levels out to just a few inches deep on the far west side.

And a shot of it looking toward the west. Not much of a waterfall, but it serves it's purpose of aerating the water.

Here's a closer view of the water lilies. They started out at 10 small plugs that I bought 3 years ago.

Another shot of the lilies. Some of the more colorful ones actually weren't blooming in this picture. There are pink, yellow, white, orange and some bright pink/purple ones that aren't blooming in this picture.

And lastly a couple pictures of some of the fish. Most of them are about 5 or 6 inches long but there is one that is close to a foot long and one that is pushing 18 inches.

The water isn't crystal clear, but one of the dogs loves to swim in it and I don't really put any effort into it, so I'm happy with it the way it is.

The pond is actually about 150 yards from the house on my CRP property. I was required to establish a permanent water source for wildlife when I put in for the contract so I figured I would go ahead and go all out on it. It can be a pain walking out there when it is hot and windy, but you don't have to feed the fish in the winter so at least I'm not having to go out there in the cold.

That's pretty much it. When I went out and saw the lilies in bloom I thought it looked good enough to take some pictures and share.


1 comment:

Arthur said...

Our Koi always ate the water lillies before they could get well established. I guess your pond is big enough that 10 plugs stood a chance. The most we ever put in was three.

Looks beautiful - thanks for sharing.