Monday, April 4, 2011

Way behind on my posting!

Okay, well it is somewhat expected, but somehow I got way behind on my posts!

Each year I try to tell myself that I am going to be better about posting on a consistent basis, and each year I will go a month or more without updating my blog. Oh well, I guess there are more important things in life than keeping my blog up to date!

One of the reasons that I don't post more frequently is because I personally get more enjoyment reading other people's blogs and posts on discussion forums if they have pictures to go along with the story. Lately it seems that either the pictures that I take don't turn out quite as well as I want them to, or they are on a memory card at the house or some other factor that makes getting the picture posted along with the narrative difficult, so I just don't end up posting anything on that topic. I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and write up the narrative and get it posted regardless of whether I have a picture or not though. After all, when it is all said and done, this blog truly is more of my personal online diary than anything that people are actually waiting on pins and needles for me to get it updated!

So with that said, I'm going to start posting on a regular basis again with or without pictures included. Of course it is going to help that my busy season at work is slowing down and I'll actually have a little more time to get it done too.

So take this as a warning shot across the bow, I'm going to try to start posting again. I would like to make a post on processing a pig, I took my friends from Wyoming on a successful pig hunt as well, plus I am thinking about putting up some posts on all the different hunts that I'm applying for this year and some other fun stuff like that. I've also bought some new gear that I'll try to either do some reviews on or something like that.

That's it for now, Nathan

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