Saturday, April 9, 2011

A very timely post!

Wow, I'm actually making a post about TODAY!

Made a whirlwind trip down to the land today with Eli and one of his friends and got lucky and found some shed antlers! I've spent hours and hours looking for shed antlers over the years and average about 1 shed found for every 2 or 3 hours of looking. Today I practically stepped on some!

Right off the bat I stepped out of the truck and saw this: I found another little shed about 10 seconds later within 10 feet of that one and then looked around some more but didn't find anything.

Eli and his friend were getting restless so we went to go check on a trail camera and as we were driving off I spotted another shed from the truck! It ended up being the other side of the first shed I found making my 2nd matched set I've ever found on my place.

Here's what it looked like as it laid. We looked for another 30 minutes or so but didn't find anything else of course since we were looking. I've been meaning to hinge cut some trees so I decided to try it. I used my sawzall on this tree and pulled it over.

Eli wasn't actually crying in this picture, that is actually a smile, but he was hot and had actually been crying earlier, he doesn't like cactus! The hinge cut seemed to go pretty well though! We all ended up hot and tired, but overall it was a great success. I found 4 sheds in less than an hour of looking and got all the cameras checked and feeders filled. Plus Cathy and Eli's friends mom got a break for the afternoon!

Here's the end result back at the house. Oh well, I'm just proud of myself for actually being current for once! I still have a ton of stuff to go back and update though!

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