Went down to the land and checked on the cameras and the feeders. Everything looked good, except I forgot to turn on the camera that is overlooking the protein feeder!! I got some decent pictures at one of the spin feeders and I am trying to figure out where the deer are traveling going to and from the protein feeder so I had another camera setup on a trail but it didn't get very many pictures so I guess they aren't using that trail. I'll try to update this post when I get those pictures uploaded.
After I got home I messed with the tractor some more. I still haven't figured out why it is bogging down after it warms up. I went ahead and replaced all the fuel lines tonight and tried running it again but that didn't seem to help much. I've posted some on a tractor bulletin board and got some good advice but still haven't got it figured out. Not sure what I'm going to try next.
After that I got to go dove hunting. Baby (our full blooded rottweiler) and Jake (our 3 legged 1/2 rottweiler, 1/2 brittany spaniel) helped me out. They really do help a TON on retrieving the birds, there is no way I could have found some of the birds that they did (they found 4 out of the 5 birds before I did). Baby spent quite a bit of time hanging out in the pond (she has decided chasing the koi around is quite fun) but when it came time to retrieve a bird she was very helpful.
I took a picture of her at the end of the day. Jake didn't want to pose for a picture.
I'm still working out getting ready for our elk hunting trip coming up. I'm up to 40 minutes in the hill climb mode on the elliptical. According to the read out that is only 1.94 miles but it shows that I burned 458 calories so I've been losing some weight as well.
That's about it. I used up some brownie points tonight dove hunting instead of giving Eli his bath and putting him to bed. I'm leaving for a conference in Kansas City tomorrow afternoon so I'll be gone for a couple days.
Well that's about it for now.
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